The Literal Extremists

3 min read

Did you know you are a psychopath? I bet you didn’t. I also bet you didn’t know that some of the life choices you’re making or not making are allowing people to diagnose you as a psycho, right now! Neither did I, but apparently there are people on the internet who like to make these sweeping judgements all the time.

The literal extremists

There is probably a better name for it. I’m sure some academics have written papers or books on it. In my quick search while writing this sunning myself at Glen Nevis I couldn’t find one.

So we’re going with the literal extremists. What do I mean by this in the context of this post?

Simple, there is clear ‘observation’ (because you can’t really call them a group or an organised movement) on social media of people who take one’s actions and choices, sometimes made in a completely fictional or imaginative space, as a literal interpretation of why you are a psychopath. Yes, this is as weird as it sounds, at least in the majority of cases for the typical adult you might encounter.

Why YOU might be a psychopath

The reasons you might be a dangerous psycho without knowing it according to the literal extremists on social media.

You like twisted fictional relationships. Do you like the twisted dynamic of a rich psycho dressed as a bat and a cat burglar dressed as a cat getting it on? You thought the fascination that Rey and Kylo Ren had going on was super hot? Well, watch it, you’re obviously a twisted little deviant and this is how you expect your relationships to play out. You’re actually Kylo Ren right now, violent and manipulative and while you may not have the power to force choke you’ll probably simulate it by using your cold hands instead.

Some creatures are just evil. In your fantasy fiction, are some creatures just evil? Not evil by action. Just literally by design and purpose. There is no relativity. They’re designed that way. This is bad and wrong and probably means you’re a racist. The fact it’s a fantasy world and the literal existentially evil, unfathomable god entity that created these creatures designed them that way as an artefact of their will and maniacal designs in a fictional construct doesn’t matter. You may not always do this, just sometimes you do in the overall design. You’re a racist, nazi psycho and deserve to be punched in the face. Probably on the street, at random. Probably by someone wearing a punch nazis t-shirt.

You’re bedroom antics. You have a long time romantic partner. Anyone in this situation can probably tell you they’ve tried a few things with their partner over those years. It’s inevitable. Watch out though, such activity could make you out to be a psychopath. If you’ve ever tied her up then shit, you need to be kept well clear of because you’re one step away from buying a ‘dodgy looking van’, asking for plastic ties at a hardware store and going hog-wild. I mean, if you’re predilections in fiction are so literally informative then this must be as well? Right?

You’re religious. Don’t even have to say much else really. Avoid them like the plague literally every religious person is now a raging psycho that is going to do nothing but screw you up. Not just because they believe different things than you, but because they will actively try and manipulate you, gaslight you and do really terrible things. All of them, it’s just a fact.

You don’t care. Are you sure you’re caring enough about the bringing down of capitalism? What about saving the planet? What about ‘insert the important social movement here’? Did you put that flag on your profile? Remember it’s not enough to be nice, you have to be profusely kind and mean it with a level of sincerety beyond measure. That means at best you’re one of those good people doing nothing, but for these extremists, you’re just a deviant lacking empathy or a soul and thus a psychopath.

I’m sure this is not a complete list. It’s just what I’ve happened to have encountered over time.

And, Finally…

I don’t know about you but I can check all those boxes? I’m not religious but I grew up religious and going to church. I found all the people very nice, but go figure. Since I can check all these boxes it’s obviously a signal of my inner desires and I’m psycho waiting to screw someone over. I’m a danger to society.

It’s at this point someone points out the ‘they are not talking about you’ rule. That doesn’t wash, that’s not what they are doing. They are pretty obvious about it and say the foulest of things about whole sections of society based on these literal causations. At times how they think actually gets unnerving. It’s scary in terms of how people came to think this way.

I mean, maybe they are a psychopaths?

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